upcoming: Changemakers 2024
15th July - 15th August 2024
EE Changemakers Europe training is organised by XEE Finland and EE Europe, in Larsmo, Finland and this year also in Perheniemi Course Center. It has been hold two times now, both have had 35 young mission-minded youngsters age between 17-29, from 10 different countries around Europe (and Australia) and it has been a success. We are now making it even much better according to experience and feedback. It really would include for example 8 OJTs and being so practical, equipping and empowering, that we believe this will be the best evangelism training for youth in Europe in the whole year! Now former Changemakers, the young delegates, will get much more responsibility. They will be the ones to change the witnessing, multiplying and the kingdom of God in Europe! If you are a young adult, aged between 17-29 years old, then this is for you. This is prioritized for Europeans, but people from other countries can join as well.
Be a changemaker
Do you want to be a Changemaker and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Then this training programme is for you! One-month course in Finland in 15th July – 15th August followed by a one-year follow-up online aimed for young people age between 17-29. Teaching you how to share life with others and preparing you to teach other believers how to do the same. EE Changemakers Europe is organised by XEE Finland and EE Europe in co-operation with Perheniemen opisto. Read more and apply here!
Few details about this year’s Changemakers
Attenders can arrive in Helsinki at 13.-14 July. We will try to arrange them accommodations in Helsinki, 1-2 nights.
The bus travel day from Helsinki to Perheniemi will be on 15th of July at 12:00(pm), and the training programme will start in Perheniemi Course Centre 15-16th July with a two-day intensive course. The bus will travel to Larsmo Mission Center on 16th of July at 12:00(pm).
And then the bus will travel back to Helsinki after the camp finishes, on 15th August 00:00, arriving at 08:00. If accommodation in Helsinki is needed we can arrange again for 1 or 2 days.